Sunday, 31 May 2015



So I have some good news! I have finally been in the green. I can tell you it feels so nice to finally break even with my investments with my current G2A selling account that I opened recently (I did this just for the purpose of this blog making it easier to track my earnings.) 

As you can see above, it has finally come after a series of sales of around 2 EUR a piece on average. Mostly selling my Alan Wake steam gifts which I got pretty dirt cheap from a sale long ago for $3 USD. the profit margins may be a little close yet they are still there. I also tried selling Chivalry Medieval Warfare but was less successful as the game seemed to be a little over saturated in the marketplace, meaning that the prices were extremely competitive and I honestly don't believe I would have had much of a chance of cutting any kind of slice of the revenue to take home as profit if I sold there.

Also remember that here a lot of your personal knowledge really comes in handy as you should have a good sense of how often these games go on sale. I realized that Chiv has actually been going on sales a lot, meaning I have thousands of people out there who can get their hands on cheaper keys and then sell those on the marketplace driving the price way down.
For those of you that are slightly more doubtful bellow I have proof of some of my transaction history of another alt account just to prove that the market really is alive and it is possible to turn a tidy profit. 

Also keep in mind that a good rating counts for a lot! So don't try and trick people out of their money and try to resolve any issues with the G2A marketplace as efficiently and quickly as you can. Even just buying games on G2A for dirt cheap will still end up giving you more rep for people checking out your account or listings.  Just remember that people always want to buy from someone with lots of shiny stars and badges, it makes them feel safe when dealing with something like the internet which at times can be quite disconnected from reality. The more comfortable you make people feel with your profile the more easily they will part with their hard earned cash to you.

If you do enjoy these updates please do join my mailing list to keep updated with my venture! All the best.

Next up I will write about stock keeping and inventory management. Stay tuned!

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